Using Internet Memes In Blogs

Posted on May 31, 2015 at 7:27 pm

Internet memes have become a sort of indie music of the internet. Like indie music, internet memes are usually misplaced and hard to look at, but some are legendary and amazing, securing a place in our memories and culture.

It’s because of the all or nothing nature of memes that makes them so hard to use in blogs. It is possible, but to take a meme out of its context is to take a fish out of water. It just doesn’t work.

But if you are going to do it the best way is to use light references. Those that get the reference will appreciate it and those that don’t won’t even realise it. Going too heavy on light references can be bad though. It’s best to only do it if you really feel it adds to the content you already have. Definitely don’t write blog content about memes, you are asking for trouble.

Posted in Blogs and Websites