Blogs and Websites

Buying domain names – what to consider

Posted on January 4, 2023 at 10:50 pm

If you want to have a website, the first thing you need to do is to buy a domain name. A domain name is the URL / address of your website that internet users type in the browser bar to visit your website. It may be your company name followed by or .com for example. There are a huge number of different domain extensions that you can choose from, and some companies decide to buy as many of them as possible, even if they don’t use them all, so none of their competitors can have them. You can point several domains across to one website so that if someone types them in they will automatically be redirected to your site, but you don’t want to do this for too many.

When buying a domain name, you need to ensure that it is relevant to your business and ideally easy to type and remember. Avoid using words that are commonly misspelt or that are too long and try and think about if the company is likely to expand, whether the name used will still be fit for purpose as otherwise you could find that your site outgrows your domain and you need to migrate it across to another, which may cause you issues when it comes to SEO.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

How to start a successful blog

Posted on June 16, 2022 at 3:37 pm

With so many people using social media to promote their businesses and websites one popular method is through uploading regular blogs.

If you want to start doing your own blogs it can be hard to know where to start but it’s important to have a think about a topic that is both interesting and relevant to you.

Some very popular bloggers started out with basic comical observation type blogs. Blogs about parenthood or marriage and relationships are always popular, however, the market for these is pretty saturated. You sometimes need to look around for a gap in the market.

Another popular blog topic can be product reviews, these are becoming increasingly common with many people looking for ‘real-time’ reviews that offer honest and practical opinions to guide would-be customers towards quality purchases.  Which ever topic you choose the key is to keep the blogs short and punchy at first. You don’t want people to get bored so keep it short and to the point then look for the posts with the most likes and try to stick to that structure for on-going blogs.

Ask friends and family to share and try to post your blog to relevant community groups to increase your followers.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

Is it time to invest more money into boosting your online presence?

Posted on April 27, 2022 at 9:58 pm

In this day and age of digital advertising, social media marketing and advanced website design, your online presence is more important than ever.  Most of your customers may have found you through using a search engine or seeing a digital advert so it really makes sense to ensure a healthy proportion of your marketing budget focuses solely on digital marketing. 

So what makes up your online presence? Well firstly and arguably most importantly it begins with your business social media accounts. These could be across a number of popular platforms reaching people of all ages with regular relevant content being uploaded to keep you visible to potential customers. You then have your website, this needs to hold the attention of customers who have either searched for you or clicked on your advert links. Lastly you have your paid for digital marketing, so this might be a mass email drop or pop-up adverts and sponsored links.

If you decided that you have a bit more to invest to boost you online presence, then your best bet is to speak to the professionals. Talk to your website developer and ask them where they feel would be the most valuable choice for your advertising boost. They should be able to show you statistics to support their advice and give you the best chance at really boosting your online presence. 

Posted in Blogs and Websites

Blogging for beginners

Posted on February 24, 2022 at 11:23 pm

The term blogging is being used frequently on websites and other online platforms and has quickly become one of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading information and news. There are a vast number of blogs online and it is not only a great way to express your ideas but also an effective way to share information with others. It is being used as a marketing technique by many companies as key words can be used in the blog to optimise searches.

Starting with a catchy title is a good way to bring the focus of your users on your blog. If you feel that the content is not aligned with the title, delete that part or use it somewhere else. Though some people pick an attention grabbing title after they have written the blog post, it is better to have a working title which you can change later on. A catchy title sets the tone and mood of the blog and helps you remember what you should be focusing on.

Understanding your audience is crucial to a successful blog. If you know your audience then you will be able to write about something that will interest and inspire them. Determine the topics that you are going to cover but try to come up with an angle that has not been tried before as this will make your blog stand out from the rest.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

Is digital art marketing the way forward?

Posted on October 16, 2021 at 11:22 am

There are so many different marketing avenues that you can go down that it can be tricky to know which ones will work the best for you and your business

By using digital marketing technology you can boost sales and enquiries for your business. Some marketing avenues can give instant results whilst others can take some time to have an effect. Digital marketing can be a great way to increase your customer reach and increase your sales. You may decide to do mobile or text marketing, Pay per Click campaigns and targeted email marketing.

If you are looking to explore digital marketing then you have a few options. You may want to keep cpsts don so decide to set up and run any campaigns yourself. If you really want to give your advertising the best chance then it is recommended that you use a specialist marketing agency. They will charge a fee to set up and manage the campaigns but they should make the campaigns much more effective, increasing your return on investment.

As with any sort of marketing it is important to ensure that it is working for you. Be sure to have a way to monitor the success of the campaigns so you can decide if you want to continue doing them.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

Using Pay per Click applications

Posted on September 24, 2021 at 9:50 am

Following on from lockdown, many companies are having to try and think of ways in which they can adapt their businesses to become more online. This may mean including a video calling service, offering virtual appointments where computer screens can be shared to show plans or simply by offering an ecommerce facility to allow people to purchase products direct through your website.

It is important to think carefully about your marketing and ensure that any new services you are offer are marketed correctly so that people know they exist and begin to use them. There are several ways in which you can market your business but if you want quick instant results PPC is often the way forward.

PPC stands for Pay per Click and is a common and popular form of online marketing. There are a number of companies that offer pay per click advertising, the most popular being Google Adwords. It is often quite easy to set up adverts but getting all the settings correct can be tricky and if not done correctly,  you may find that either your advert doesn’t show to the right people or that it attracts clicks from people that you did not want to target which in turn uses up your budget.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

Is there still a place for micro sites?

Posted on August 4, 2021 at 4:37 pm

So many businesses have ventured into the world of online marketing following the Covid outbreak. For many, it was the only way they were able to continue to trade and make any money.

If you are a business owner then you may have heard of the term micros sites. Micros sites have, over the years, been used for a number of different things. Some larger organisations still use micro sites today if they want to section their business off in to separate areas. So what exactly is a micro site and should you be creating them?

A micro site is usually a 2-3 page mini website that has information on it that is very relevant to a specific topic or product. Often the micro site will link back to the main website to gain traffic that way too. They can be useful if you have more information than you want to fit on one [age of your site or if you want to push a product or service without it being buried within others that may be on the site already. It can also work really well for other forms of marketing.

Micros sites can sometimes be used for marketing campaigns such as Google Adwords or for offline advertising in a newspaper for example. Google Adwords works well if the page the ad is linked to is highly themed around that topic. This will then mean that the cost per click is lower and also the conversion rate should be higher.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

Ramping up your social media marketing

Posted on July 14, 2021 at 10:54 am

If you use social media as part of your marketing strategy then you will probably already be aware of how much it can help boost your business. Social media marketing is so vast that it can be a bit hard to find out exactly what and hot to invest your time to get the best return. There are also a number of social media sites for you to choose from and all of them offer different things. Some businesses find that one social media site works better for them than another one. Facebook can work really well if you offer products or services to the general public, especially if your target audience is people aged 18-60. If you want to see products and need to showcase a lot of photos such as fashion items, clothing or artwork then you may decide to use Instagram. Instagram is perfect for showing off products and you can quickly build up a loyal following.

Ideally if you want to really boost your social media marketing, you should enlist the help of a social media marketing expert. They will be able to advise you of what you should be doing or they may even manage all of your accounts for you. If you do ask that they manage the accounts you need to ensure that you keep them in the loop as to what is going on within the business so they can promote it.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

How to keep users interested in your blog

Posted on June 9, 2021 at 12:11 pm

If you have a blog website, then the most important thing is traffic. It may be that you charge a fee for companies or businesses to advertise on your blog and this is only successful if you can prove you have a lot of traffic coming to the site. No one will want to pay to advertise on a website that doesn’t have any visitors.

Even if your blog is free to view and free to advertise on, you may be sharing important information that you want others to rad, so distribution is vital. Once you have created a blog you need to get people interested in it so they have a reason to return back and read new posts. It may be that it is a sort of diary and each day or week you add a new post talking about a journey you are on. Lots of people start blogs when they go travelling or when they are embarking on a medical journey such as cancer treatment as this can help others who may be in a similar situation.

You need to ensure that you advertise your blog. Social media site such as Facebook and Twitter are great for this. You can advertise your blog site but also put on links and updates when you have a new post available. You may use your blog as a way of reviewing products or giving fashion tips. As long as you have up to date information and present it in a fun and interesting way, you should have a good number of loyal followers.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

Using Pay per Click applications

Posted on May 28, 2021 at 9:52 am

Following on from lockdown, many companies are having to try and think of ways in which they can adapt their businesses to become more online. This may mean including a video calling service, offering virtual appointments where computer screens can be shared to show plans or simply by offering an ecommerce facility to allow people to purchase products direct through your website.

It is important to think carefully about your marketing and ensure that any new services you are offer are marketed correctly so that people know they exist and begin to use them. There are several ways in which you can market your business but if you want quick instant results PPC is often the way forward.

PPC stands for Pay per Click and is a common and popular form of online marketing. There are a number of companies that offer pay per click advertising, the most popular being Google Adwords. It is often quite easy to set up adverts but getting all the settings correct can be tricky and if not done correctly,  you may find that either your advert doesn’t show to the right people or that it attracts clicks from people that you did not want to target which in turn uses up your budget.

Posted in Blogs and Websites

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